Brian Waltermire is both a thought leader in the world of IT security and the founder and CEO of Asgard Managed Services. His experience at several New York City hedge funds sparked his foray into the world of IT security because he saw how the world was changing from sharing everything on social media to one of privacy and resiliency.
Through his leadership Asgard became the first managed security provider to license the Virnetx Secure Domain Name Technology and has spoken on numerous public engagements about the benefits of this resilient networking technology. Asgard continues to be a leader in security implementations and currently manages the largest network of Secure Communication Networks for the health care industry.
You’ll understand why having The New Standards Disaster Recovery Plan will ensure; all required departments are included in the plan, applications are prioritized to save time and money, and clear steps to follow during an emergency are paramount for resiliency and equally as valuable for gaining C-Suite buy in.
• Less than 25% of organizations have a comprehensive plan to match their backup service, this webinar covers how to put the New Standards of Disaster Recovery Plan in place.
• You’ll discover the importance of how combining; onsite failover, cloud backups, and instant virtualization in the cloud are vital to your recovery.
• Why it’s essential for the organization to conduct cloud testing and how your service provider should support you.
The New Standards for Successful Disaster Recovery